
vodafone For ease of communications look no further than Vodafone. As a leader in UK mobile services, the company is continually coming out with new products and new service options, in order to provide customers more selection and more ways to save on their own service needs. Pay monthly, pay as you go, broadband services, and more, Vodafone PLC is one of the world’s leading communications companies. Yes, they serve the UK. With this said, the company is a leader throughout Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and even the US, making it a worldwide service provider, for mobile customers looking for reliable coverage at a low cost. Vodafone has made the transition from simply offering mobile smartphones, to now providing internet connection options for its customers. With PC communication services there are a number of great services offered to customers. One such service plan is the Vodafone Passport, which provides customers with exceptionally low rates, and the ability to communicate with nearly anywhere from around the world, at any time, for the lowest possible price for customers who are using this great service offered by the Vodafone company. From June 1 to July 31 in 2009, Vodafone also did away with any roaming charges. For customers who travel frequently or are in areas with limited reception, this was great news, as you did not have to worry about those major overage charges coming along with your monthly bill for your Vodafone service plan. What did this mean for the customer who was traveling abroad and was out of the UK while using their mobile phone for services and for connecting with family and friends back at home? Basically it meant free use of mobile phones and devices, even while outside the UK, providing even greater freedom in mobility to the loyal Vodafone customer audience.